Learn How to Identify Outlaw Motorcycle Clubs Members
An outlaw motorcycle club is any group of motorcycle riders and/or supporters who:
• Voluntarily made a commitment to band together• Abide by their organization’s rules
• Engage in criminal activities
These activities are considered organized crime.
The common term “1% Club” distinguishes outlaw motorcycle riders from the majority of motorcycle enthusiasts who are law-abiding citizens. It’s worn as a symbol by outlaw bikers and often seen as a pin, patch or tattoo.
The courts have determined that outlaw motorcycle clubs have the following characteristics:
• A hierarchical structure
• Membership
• Involves criteria, processes and regulations
• Members may prove their permanent commitment via criminal acts
• Associates
• Colours
• Clubhouse
• Fortified and equipped with systems to protect against intrusion
from rival groups or police raids
• Club rules
• Intelligence gathering
• Criminal activity
Presence in Canada
Outlaw motorcycle gangs exist in every province of Canada. They interconnect across provincial/municipal jurisdictions and have national/international connections and associations. Law enforcement monitors expanding criminal operations and arrests anyone who is involved in illegal activities.
Impacts on Canadian society and economy
Outlaw motorcycle gangs commit crimes that damage the Canadian economy, such as:
• Fraud
• Counterfeiting
• Money laundering
• Extortion
• Corruption
They also threaten communities’ safety through activities such as:
• Drug sales and trafficking
• Illegal firearms dealing
• Intimidation, violence and murder
• Conflicts with rival gangs (collateral damage)
Living near an outlaw motorcycle club can affect your safety and decrease your property value.

What can you do about Outlaw Motorcycle Clubs?
You can help to ensure your safety, and the safety of your community, by learning about outlaw motorcycle gangs. Choose not to support organized criminal activity (including activities that seem harmless).
• Don’t buy or wear gang support gear (clothes, bandanas, badges, etc.)
• By purchasing support gear, you are giving money to clubs that are harming our communities
• By wearing support gear, you are supporting the club’s violent messaging and putting yourself at risk of attack from rival gangs
• Don’t participate in charitable activities organized by these groups
• They often target charities with donations and toy drives to sanitize their image and build community support
• Minimize your contact with club members
• Report any suspicious activity to police
As part of a new coordinated national strategy with other Canadian police agencies, End Gang Life has developed Outlaw Motorcycle Clubs-related Public Service Announcements: bit.ly/2HGXCKy