Media & Community Engagement
Gang violence and organized crime has potentially devastating impacts on communities across British Columbia. CFSEU-BC is committed to actively collaborating and engaging with the community in our pursuit to strengthen British Columbia’s resilience to organized crime and gang activity.
To ensure responsive service delivery and increase public confidence in CFSEU-BC’s ongoing commitment to protect British Columbians from organized crime through active collaboration and community engagement.
We are focused on the following three priorities to achieve this objective:
Public Confidence: Showcase the impact of the work we do to accountability. CFSEU-BC is responsible and accountable to the citizens of BC to contribute and policing.
Community Outreach: Continue to engage community partners across BC by delivering gang prevention and education presentations. The dynamic nature of gang violence and organized crime demands consistent communication and engagement with the public.
Disrupt Gang Recruitment: Disrupt gang recruitment through prevention and intervention strategies, including gang exiting services.
Educating Youth, Parents, Teachers & Community Groups
The CFSEU-BC’s Community & Public Affairs team uses traditional media, social media, and a variety of mediums to reach out to people in all corners of the community including teenagers, young adults, men, women, at-risk youth, parents, teachers, police, front line workers, and policy makers. From the End Gang Life initiative website, to Twitter and Facebook, engaging the public in conversation about gangs and gang violence is extremely important…no matter how it is done.