BOLO extending cash... In January of this year, the Combined Forces Special Enforcement Unit of BC (CFSEU-BC)...
CFSEU-BC Project... For Immediate Release: May 9th, 2019 CFSEU-BC Project Leads to Impact on Reducing Gang-Violence...
CFSEU-BC Response to... Today a portion of the second report (the “Report) from Mr. Peter German was released to the...
CFSEU-BC Uniform Gang... Members of the Combined Forces Special Enforcement Unit of British Columbia’s (CFSEU-BC’s)...
Additional Charges... More charges have now been approved against several individuals involved in a 2015 Combined...
CFSEU-BC Uniform Gang... In the wake of two recent homicides in Kamloops, members of the Combined Forces Special...
The CFSEU-BC... The Combined Forces Special Enforcement Unit of BC (CFSEU-BC) is introducing a new strategy to...
Police Arrest And... Today, investigators with the Combined Forces Special Enforcement Unit of British Columbia...
CFSEU-BC’s JIGIT... The Combined Forces Special Enforcement Unit of British Columbia’s (CFSEU-BC’s) Joint Illegal...
Final Man Sentenced... The conviction and sentencing of the final accused in the 2015 attempted murder of a man in...
One Man Arrested and... On the evening of August 17, 2018 officers from the CFSEU-BC observed a male in a vehicle that...
Joint-forces police... Vancouver – Local police agencies have delivered a major blow to Lower Mainland gangsters in one...